Councillor Terry Byrne


I was educated at Kingsbury County Grammar School in North London and, on leaving
I joined the RAF as an electronics apprentice. I later re-trained as a computer engineer.
In 1967 I joined International Computers Ltd. and managed a system support group. I then ran an IT Consultancy company.

I moved to Bexhill in 2014 from Reading where I had served as a Conservative councillor
In 2019 I stood as an Independent in the Rother District Council elections and became a councillor for Sackville ward.

Since 2020 I have been the Rother Alliance Cabinet member for housing, in which we have made significant advances as you will see from the achievements listed in this leaflet. I believe that party politics have no place in local government and that all councillors should work together for the good of the residents of their ward and of Bexhill in general.

Also I believe that to represent an area of Bexhill one has to be involved with local community groups. I am a volunteer with the Bexhill Caring community, a member of the Bexhill Environmental Group, and of the Bexhill Heritage Society. I am also the Council’s forces champion, ensuring that all ex-service personnel receive the benefits and services to which they are entitled. I am a member of the British Legion and the RAF Association.

In addition to my work on housing I was instrumental in setting up the Discretionary Disabled Facilities grant through which, in conjunction with Wave Arts and the Chamber of Trade and Tourism I was able to provide beach access for those with limited mobility.

If re-elected I would hope to continue my work in the area of housing, remain involved with community groups and fully represent the residents of Sackville ward and of the whole Rother district.

Councillor Terry Byrne